Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My First Big Project!

When I set my mind to something, especially something I want, I won't rest until I complete it. I had my heart set on decorating our family room. It wouldn't be too complicated, after all, I was starting with a blank canvas. First things first, while researching what color I wanted to paint the walls, I discovered I'm really drawn to the cottage design style. It was an "aha" moment. I realized now why my guest bathroom has a nautical style, why I long for white kitchen cabinets and the thought of covering our sectional with white slipcovers simply melts my heart.

I want to share how I decided on my paint colors and all the preliminary stuff, but I'm super excited to share the "After" look. I'm so proud of what I've accomplished so far. Unfortunately I don't have a before of the family room, but just imagine it with all white walls with a big sectional and TV in the room. Stay tuned for posts to come. There's a couple of before and afters and I can't wait to share how I turned drop cloths into curtains!

Here's our family room, still in progress.

Next up....How I turned this dresser into what you see above!


I found it! I thought it was lost, but it was here all along. Over the past few weeks, I spent a lot of time reading blogs about home decorating. There were nights, or should I say mornings, that I found myself sitting in bed until 2:00 am in what I called "Blogland." I was so inspired by so many of the DYI creative ideas I'd seen , that I decided to try a few. I soon found myself going from thrift store to thrift store, searching for candle holders, picture frames and all sorts of home accessories in need of a little TLC. There were two major items I was searching for, a coffee table and a dresser. More about that in a later post.

For almost five years I looked at our bare white walls, never feeling inspired to decorate. I'm not sure what it was, but as much as I wanted decorate, make our house a home, I just never had a clear head to get creative. Oh how I wished we could hire a designer to come in and decorate for me. To do everything from top to bottom. Such a strange thought coming from someone who LOVES to create! My teen bedroom had a new paint color on the walls twice a year and I changed the room layout at least once a month. But for some time now, I felt as if I'd lost my creativity years ago.

It's sort of amazing how buying a picture frame from a second hand store can en-light a spark you thought you'd lost. I realize now, it never burned out. In essence, I was focusing on all the important people and relationships in my life, but not filling my soul with what makes me happy, creativity! Now here I am, I've found my spark! I'm doing something that brings me joy. Don't get me wrong, being a wife and a mother are a special joy on another level. I couldn't imagine my life any other way. I'm just thrilled to be focusing on being creative. The best part is, my family's enjoying it too!

Oh and did I mention how therapeutic it is? Last Saturday I spent four hours shopping for a dresser and three hours in the garage refinishing it. It was pure bliss! My Hub was in the house with the girls while I was in the garage hard at work. It was lovely! Once my project was complete, I couldn't wait to come and spend time with my crew!

I truly believe we all need to find what brings us joy and no matter how focused we are on other things in our lives, don't let your spark go out. From time to time it will go dim, but never let it go out.